Carlo Saverio Iorio
DR Carlo Saverio Iorio
Carlo is the Executive Director of yoursciencebc Ltd. He has a long experience as a project manager at the local, national and international level. Since several years, he participates as an expert in European framework programme evaluation, and he served as the coordinator on two FP7 EU-funded projects. At present, he is task leader in the EU-Graphene Flagship for four years; he has been recently awarded the title of Space Champion of the Graphene Flagship with the role of promoting the industrial exploitation of innovative materials in Space. He was the technical and scientific director of a business incubator devoted to the creation of high-tech start-ups. Senior Researcher at ULB (Université libre de Bruxelles) and team leader the Microgravity Research Centre of the same University, Carlo coordinates today three international networks on human space exploration on behalf of ESA, the European Space Agency. He is the coordinator of several parabolic flight campaigns as well as sounding rockets and ISS experiments; He also provided consultancy for the major players in the industrial Space ecosystem; Carlo is a leading international technologist with profound and extensive competences, mainly focussed on Space applications.